Could these dreams be symbols of someone’s impending death? Perhaps they could simply be a product of too much stress? They may instead be a sign of insecurity or shame. We’ll also look at whether dreams of teeth falling out can be due to feelings of grief or loss.
Keep reading to find out more.
Table of Contents
Does Dreaming Of Losing Teeth Mean Death?
This is very unlikely – although it can, as we’ll see later, mean a rebirth or transformation. This can be taken as a way of life dying or changing significantly, but it will very rarely mean someone actually physically dying.
There are some who believe that dreams foretell the future, but is it more likely that dreams help us understand the present so that we can be better prepared for what’s to come.
Sometimes our dreams are messages from our spirit guides to change something in our lives to improve the potential future outcomes.
Thus, these dreams of teeth falling out are not usually predictors of someone physically dying because that would require our guides to know the exact future, but really the future is just a set of probabilities, based on current situations.
Stress Can Lead to Dreams of Teeth Falling Out
One of the biggest spiritual meanings of teeth falling out in dreams comes from the stress we carry around.
Many of us grind our teeth when we sleep, and this is particularly prevalent when you go to bed with something on your mind, or you’re apprehensive about what tomorrow might bring. When we grind our teeth in our sleep, we stimulate the nerves in our teeth and jaw, and this could trigger our brain to process this as losing our teeth in a dream.
The phenomenon of auto-suggestion in dreams is surprisingly common.
Have you had that dream where you’re late for work and the alarm clock is making a noise. But it’s not your usual alarm clock and no matter what you do in your dream, it refuses to silence. Beep beep beep it goes while you bash the top, trying to find the silence or snooze button. Nope, it continues incessantly.
And then you wake up abruptly and realise that either your actual alarm was going off, or more likely you discover there’s a random beeping sound coming from somewhere else outside. Your brain interpreted this as an alarm and fitted a dream around it for you.
And so it can be the same phenomenon when you grind your teeth in your sleep and you dream that they are falling out.
Relaxing before bed can help alleviate these dreams.
There’s lots of ways to try to relax before bed.
A nice hot bath, with relaxing fragrances can help empty your mind before you head off to the land of nod.
You can listen to relaxing music while bathing, or you can read a good ‘escapism’ novel.
You can also try some spiritual meditation before sleeping to reduce the amount of stress you carry into your dream world.
Whatever the reason for your stress, it’s important to realise that the spiritual effect of worrying actually serves to block our creative process and gets in the way of solving our problems.
Your spirit guides can help you find these answers, but only if you’re open to listening to them. Stress and worry blocks their signal with noise from your brain so if this is the reason you’re dreaming of your teeth falling out then find your way to relax before sleeping so you can get the answers you need.
Feelings of Insecurity or Shame Can Lead To Dreaming Of Losing Teeth
For many of us, our teeth are one of the areas of our appearance that really matters to us. We spend significant sums of money on ensuring our teeth stay healthy, straight and white.
Our self-esteem can be at least partly represented by the state of our teeth. So if we go into our sleep with feelings of insecurity or shame, then our minds may produce dreams of losing our teeth to symbolise this.
Of course, when we go to sleep with these feelings they’re possibly not related to our teeth at all. We may have other things going on in our lives at this time which provide these feelings of insecurity or shame for us.
As with all dreams, you’ll need to look at the context of the dream itself – how did you feel when your teeth fell out? What were you doing (if anything) that caused them to fall out? Were they painful? Did the whole tooth (or teeth) fall out. Or was it, how I sometimes see in dreams, just a strange layer of tooth that comes away?
A dream journal or notebook can really help you to unpick the meaning of these (and any other dream). We have designed a few of these which you can purchase from Amazon using the links in the description.
Dreams of Teeth Falling Out Can Mean A Lack Of Control
It’s unlikely anyone would choose to have their teeth fall out and as such, the dream of teeth falling out can symbolise something that is happening beyond your control.
Do you have something that you don’t feel like you have control of? Do you feel that there’s something you should have, or would like, to have better control of?
Perhaps this dream is an indication that some things we just have to accept, and work around instead of trying to control.
For example, of course no-one would actually want their teeth to fall out, but since in the dream that’s exactly what happened, what did you do in the dream to ‘fix’ the problem?
How you handled your teeth falling out in the dream might be hints from your spirit guides to help you to work out how to work around whatever it is that you feel out of control about.
The answer might be subtle and might need some deeper soul-searching to find. But sometimes the dream is trying to give you answers, so long as you concentrate on the detail around the feelings rather than the feelings themselves.
Dreams of Losing Teeth Might Be Because Of Feelings Of Loss or Grief
If you’ve lost someone or something significant recently you are probably carrying around feelings of loss or grief. Taking this feeling to bed with you is going to be quite normal and difficult to overcome.
This is a natural part of the grieving process if you have lost something or someone significant. It’s possible that the spiritual meaning of this dream is trying to show you something about how you might deal with the grief or sense of loss.
For example, did you go to other people to help you with your teeth loss? Perhaps friends, who would likely be able to help you cope with the grief you’re experiencing in your day to day life right now.
Or perhaps in the dream you went to a dentist for help with losing your teeth. The dentist in the dream is symbolic of a professional who is trained in the area of need.
In your dream it was teeth, but in your waking life you may need to enlist the help of a different professional.
Spiritual counsellors, psychologists or your normal medical doctor may need to be consulted for this to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, you’re not expected to deal with these things alone.
A Life Transition Can Be Approaching
If you’re dreaming of losing teeth it can be a sign of an impending, and possibly significant life transition approaching.
This is likely where the notion that losing teeth in a dream means that someone close to you is going to die soon has come from. It’s very unlikely that dreaming of losing teeth means someone is actually going to die.
But there may be some significant changes to your lifestyle such that the old you is no longer around and you become a new you. The old you effectively dies and is reborn with different viewpoints on the world and people around you.
This could be at home, work or even in a relationship you’re having (romantic or otherwise).
Recurring Dreams of Teeth Loss
If the dream keeps recurring over a number of nights, even if the context of the dream is different, then you definitely have something your subconscious or spiritual realm is trying to tell you.
In this case, looking at the clues the dream itself gives you can help you work out what needs to be done to move forward. The dream is quite likely your spirit guides trying to send messages to offer solutions to you to make sense of it all and solve whatever issue needs dealing with.
To Recap
We’ve looked at various reasons why you might be dreaming of teeth falling out and noted that some of those dreams are rooted (no pun intended) in your waking physical thoughts causing you stress or anxiety that reflects in your dreams as insecurities or loss.
The dream almost never means that someone close to you, or you yourself, are about to die. However it can mean that aspects of your life are soon to be over and changes will come that may mean you no longer recognise yourself or your lifestyle.
Ultimately, as with most dreams, you’re going to have to look at the context of your life recently as well as the context of the dream itself to determine what it actually means. Hopefully the ideas we’ve put forward in this post can help guide you to find your own answer.
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Take care. Feel the nudges. Stay Inspired.
And until next time, Bye for now.