Finding a Feather – Spiritual Meaning

In this post we'll look at the spiritual meaning of finding a feather. We'll look at various different colours of feather that you might find and how the colour can give it different meanings.

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When looking for the spiritual meaning of things, it’s vital that you take the context of anything surrounding these things into account before ascribing any meaning to them.

Let’s face it, finding a feather where birds are normally hanging around, isn’t all that much of a sign.

It’s also important to understand that sometimes, the mere act of asking for a sign simply heightens our minds to find that sign in the environment. This is known scientifically as confirmation bias.

Be careful that you’re not subconsciously biased to see such signs simply because you want to.

But with that out of the way, let’s begin.

What It Could Mean Spiritually To Find A Feather

There are some common meanings of finding a feather, with the colour of the feather adding different context to the meanings.

When you find a feather, whatever the colour, it is a reminder that your spirit guides are near. Guides are known to communicate with people through feathers, as they are light and easy to carry on the wind.

Finding any coloured feather is a sign that good luck is on the way.

Feathers can also be a signal that you are on the right path. Your guides have left a sign to highlight that you should keep progressing forward. White, grey, black and green feathers can also be a sign that new beginnings are coming and that you may need to make a choice soon.

The different colours may help indicate what type of change is coming and the choices which will need to be made.

Let’s look at some of the more common colours and their meanings.

Finding A White Feather

White feathers are most commonly associated with Guides (or “Angels”), and they represent purity, protection, and peace. If you find a white feather, it may be a reminder that your spirit guide or angel is watching over you.

Finding a white feather can be a sign that your prayers are about to be answered. In some cultures, finding a white feather is also a sign of good luck.

In Christianity, the white feather is often seen as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, when Jesus was crucified, a dove flew down and placed a white feather on his head as a sign of forgiveness (Luke 23:34).

In Native American culture, the white feather is often seen as a sign of truth and honesty. In many Native American tribes, the white feather is also seen as a sign of respect. In some tribes, only those who have earned a white feather are allowed to wear one.

So, if you find a white feather, it is generally considered to be a positive sign.

Finding A Grey Feather

The colour grey is often associated with sadness, but it can also represent strength and determination. Grey is the colour of stones and metal, which are both very strong and durable materials. The grey feather is a reminder from your guides that you too, are strong and durable, even when you feel like you’re at your breaking point.

Like other feathers found, this one is also a reminder that you are not alone on your spiritual journey. There are others who have gone before you and who are currently walking alongside. You are never alone, even when it feels like you are and you can use this to help fuel your inner strength.

Finding A Black Feather

Finding a black feather can be a sign that you are being reminded to fulfil your higher purpose. The black feather is a reminder that we are all connected to the spiritual world and should be open to receiving guidance from our ancestors and the universe. The black feather is also a symbol of protection and strength, and it reminds you that we are never alone.

The black feather is also a symbol of transformation. It represents the death of the old self and the birth of the new. It is a reminder that change is always possible and that you are never stuck in one place.

When you find a black feather, it is important to take time to reflect on your life and what you want to change. It is a sign that you’re ready to let go of the past and move forward in your spiritual journey.

Finding A Red Feather

Red feathers are particularly significant when it comes to spirituality. Red is often seen as a powerful colour, associated with energy, strength, and passion. It is also the colour of blood, which is a symbol of life itself.

The colour red is connected to the root chakra, grounding and energising you. Finding a red feather can indicate a need to stay balanced and connected to your physical/material life, returning to your roots. It can be a reminder that although you’re a spiritual being, you still live in the 3D world and should not become too detached or aloof.

If you find a red feather, it is important to pay attention to what it means to you personally. What does it represent in your life? How does it make you feel? Allow yourself to be open to the possibilities and see where the feather takes you.

Finding A Blue Feather

The blue colour and blue feathers are associated with communication and truth. If you find a blue feather, it may be a sign that you are about to receive a message from your spirit guides. Or it could be a reminder to always speak your truth clearly, lovingly and from the heart. Finally, relating to communication, it could be a sign that you’re ready to open up to spiritual communications and you should trust your intuition more.

A blue feather can also be a sign that a loved one who has passed away is nearby. They may be sending you a message that they are still with you in spirit. If you find a blue feather, take a moment to reflect on the loved ones who are no longer with you. If you’ve been asking for a sign whether a recently departed loved one is OK, then this might be it.

Finding A Green Feather

Green feathers are associated with healing and growth. If you find a green feather, it may be a sign that you are about to begin a journey of self-discovery.

A green feather is often seen as a symbol of hope, new beginnings, and growth. In many cultures, green is also associated with nature, fertility, and life. Finding a green feather can be a sign that you are being called to connect with nature and your own personal growth.

Because green is a colour of healing, the feather may also be a sign that you are in need of some physical or emotional healing. Perhaps it’s time to take some time for yourself and be pampered for a while.

Finding A Purple Feather

Purple feathers are associated with wisdom and spiritual guidance. If you find a purple feather, it may be a sign that you are about to receive guidance from your spirit guides.

When you find a purple feather, it is a sign that you’re spiritually attuned and in alignment with your higher purpose. The colour purple is associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy centre that connects us to our higher selves, and to the divine. Finding a purple feather is a reminder that we are not alone on our spiritual journey, and that we are connected to something greater than ourselves.

The feather is also a symbol of hope, and of the transcendence of the human spirit. When we find a purple feather, it is a reminder that no matter what challenges we face in life, we can overcome them and find our way to the other side.


The spiritual meaning of finding a feather can vary depending on the context in which you find it, as well as the colour of the feather that you find.

No matter what colour feather you find, know that your guides are always near. Feathers are a beautiful reminder that we are never alone. They provide a sign of hope and reassurance. Looking at the colour, as well as the context of where the feather is found can help you discover the hidden message left by your guides.

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